Friday, January 07, 2005

Ok back again... it has been a few weeks (or months?) since my last posting... i have much to write about but just too lazy to do it. One of the reasons is I dont know why I am writing this and who I am writing this for?Am I writing this for myself or am I writing this to share with someone?

Anyway, so what have I been up to? What have I been doing? What's new in my life? Just for the record....


I have been doing LOTs of Tango. Yes, LOTs of Tango. If you know me you know Tango is all I talk about these days. I can turn any conversation into a Tango conversation. Everything I do has something to do with Tango. 90% of the music I listen to is Tango. And one reason I am back writing this is to write about Tango.


I met many many people in the past 2, 3 years. It all started from Volleyball. I played LOTs of volleyball in high school and a bit in college but didn't get the chance to play since just because it's hard to find a court and the people to play with.

One day out of blue (well there is a reason but too lazy to explain here) I was researching online hoping to find a group of people to play volleyball with. To my surprise, I found a volleyball league and I found out there are LOTs of people play volleyball in New York City!

I made a few new friends and then they introduced me to more new friends. The group just got bigger and bigger... at its peak we can easily rally 15, 20 people to show up for volleyball or just for drinks. I had the best time in my life :)

If you have heard of this term 'urban tribe' our group is definitely a 'tribe'. We were all singles. Lots of us are from out of town. We do things together and volleyball is our reason for being. It was really a family.

Well nothing last forever... the tribe started to fall apart after some people moved. Some people started dating and some just dont like each other after spending way too much time together. I think mostly is because people moved on. I am old enough to know this was coming but still missed the good old time.

Now it's only a few good friends that I still hang out. What the tribe left me is lots of good memories and lots of pictures.