Sunday, April 18, 2004

What a birthday I had yesterday... nothing i planned happened. no volunteering, no biking, no central park, no tango and no dinner... but it turns out to be one of the best b-days i ever had.

it all started from friday nite... I sprained my ankle playing volleyball... i was really upset... i was upset that my weekend plan was ruined. Probably the best weather we are going to have for a while. but with this ankle, no more central park. no more tango. no more biking... no more game on monday... and it hurt like hell.

Janet, Lisa, Warlito, Tuan took me home. We ordered dinner. they stayed for a while to keep me accompany... my ankle swelled like a baseball... but i was happy that they came home with me.

The next day (my birthday) Beth came over and brought foods, flowers and her smile. I was really happy that she spent the afternoon with me. We chatted, looked at my baby pix, and went down to the garden to watch kids running around... and enjoy the beautiful weather... I felt much better! Then Dani and Gelo came in the evening. Dani bought me some awesome chinese foods. Yummy! Gelo came with a cake and a video that i specially requested - 'shall we dance'.

Then around 930 the group showed up - janine, jerry, salina, warlito, nicole and tuan. They took me to the ER... and they waited for me for 2.5 hours! i was really moved and felt very lucky to have these friends... :)

living in new york in not easy... i expect myself to be lonely. to be tough and to know how to take care of myself. i am old enough to understand that friends come and go. therefore i always tried to set the expectation low so i wouldnt get hurt.

but after last nite i start to think maybe i do have some real friends here in new york. a special birthday that i will always remember.

Sunday, April 11, 2004

On Sat I went back to Chelsea Market milonga... it was super fun! My friend totally got it tho it was her first time. It's so awesome to dance with a good follower. I think she can be a great Tango dancer if she wants to :)

It's amazing how my trip to Buenos Aires has opened the door for me to a whole new world - Tango. I would never imagine myself being so crazy about it. Will the passion last? ha.

Before Tango, there were Golf, Swimming, Volleyball, Biking and Skiing... Golf is still there but the passion was half gone after my first visit to the golf course (don't ask!). skiing is still there. cant wait to go back to the ski slope! Biking is till there. as long as the temp starts heating up... u will see me on my bike weaving through the st of new york... Volleyball. of course still there. Tango??? ha. Let's wait and see.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Since I came back from Buenos Aires Tango has become my new obsession... (yes, I still love you, volleyball!). Tonite is going to be the first private group lesson that I organize for friends. Really look forward to it!