Wednesday, March 10, 2004

[my diary moved from Yahoo]

2004/03/02 ah... so nice out.... spring is right around the corner!

2004/01/28 42nd st
area code 212
3 missed calls
2 new messages
no. 6 train
33st street station
2nd ave
9:40 pm
expected 10 inches of snow
please give me a snow day tomorrow....

2004/01/27 have u heard of the term 'urban tribe'? ppl in their 20's or 30's mostly single get together on a regular basis. they are bond by same interest and become an extended family to each other. ppl drop in and out of the 'tribe' when they move or are married.

ha. do you have your own tribe? I have mine and it's always so much fun hanging out with them. no wonder it seems perfectly ok not to worry about getting married or having a gf. something my married friends or parents having hard time understanding :-)

2004/01/22 Happy Chinese New Year!

2004/01/16 OK. this is really cold. 2F??? So not want to go to work this morning.... but i did.

2004/01/09 vacation finally came to an end... life is back to 'normal' :)

2003/12/21 finally my vacation started... not going anywhere this time so i will just take it easy. enjoy the city and spend some quality time with friends. and most importantly get some sleep :)

2003/12/15 twisted my ankle when skiing today :( hope i can walk tomorrow. got some important meetings to go to....

2003/12/09 Went to Seal's concert tonite... oh my... it was soooo awesome! Two hours of music non-stop orgasm...!

2003/12/08 Got my DSL! Got my wireless home network! Made a snow man and had a snow fight at Central Park! Had hotpot! Went snowboarding for the first time! What a weekend :)

2003/12/04 it is C O L D!

2003/11/24 went ice skating, rock climbing, central park volleyball, went to see an awesome performance by Cloud Gate from Taiwan, went to eat my favorite pizza, went to a party, went shopping, went to eat my favorite ramen... and went on two dates!
it's one of those weekends that went by too quick...

2003/11/20 people think that i am picky that's why i don't have a girlfriend. maybe it's because I know i am over-sensitive, moody and selfish... it's the hidden side of me... he he he

2003/11/17 someone told me once... in new york summer is the season to meet new people. fall is th season to fall in love and winter is the season to settle down so you can have someone to spend the night with when it's cold and snowy out... he he... winter is here but my heart is still in Aug :)

2003/11/13 time out new york this week has a very interesting article on 'things you gotta do before you can call yourself a real new yorker' there are some really funny ones: have personal water-bug and rat horror stories at the ready. Yes I got many of those! Carry on a conversation with a cabbie without understanding a word he says. Yes, i did that! Buy the Sunday Times, drunk, on your way home from a Saturday night out.... ha.. YES!

2003/11/10 weekend was awesome. Sat was specially fun. it's just an example how much diversity nyc can offer you in just a few subway stops away. went to have brunch with friends at a nice soho restaurant called Jane. very typicsl new york sunday morning :) Afterward, jumped on the 2, 3 line and ended up on 125th st in Harlem. If you have seen 8 miles, it's the same free form rap contest you saw in the movie... it's an event sponsored by my company. very new york too. but a very different kind!

2003/11/08 Oh man, haven't figured out my vacation plan yet... not sure if I want to go back to Taiwan or not... decision decision decision

2003/11/05 Went ice skating at Rockefeller Center with my lovely date tonite. It was really romantic... like in the movie... ha ha. Nice move! Does that I mean I get an automatic second date?

2003/11/04 People in the city were partying the whole weekend. Halloween was so much fun. Went to the parade to see peopel and to be seen. People were so creative! I dressed up for the first time. It was awesome! We were talking about dressing up as foods next year. Yummy... I want to be a bowl of noodle.

2003/10/29 went hiking last weekend. it's really fun. can't wait for the halloween this friday!

2003/10/21 Went to a Fado concert this Saturday... if you haven't heard of Fado, it's a type of Portugese music originally performed in the urban cafe in Losbon. It's getting popular around the world these days because of its beauty and rich emotion. Funny I could't understand a word of Portugese but it was one of the most mesmerizing music experience I have ever had.

2003/10/18 what can be more exciting than beating the red sox at game 7 at 11th inning with a home run? What's more painful? being a cubs fan or red sox fan?

2003/09/30 wow... it's getting cold... fall is really here :) not looking forward to the winter tho.

2003/09/23 The nite life in New York is exciting. All the clubs and restaurants you can go to. You walk on the street at 2 am in the morning and people are still out and drinking. Sat nite I was jumping in the out of two different parties. Different people different fun. it was great.

2003/09/20 ah weekend again! Dalai Lama are in town this sunday. got to check it out!

2003/09/16 ahhhh i hate monday... can't focus at all. threw a party sat nite and it was a good one. nice and sweet. almost 40 ppl showed up... well it's not about the number but it wouldn't hurt to know that I have some friends... now I have a frig full of left-over and beer... man, that's what i am going to eat for the rest of the month :p

2003/09/12 It's Sept 11 again... two years later. I went down to the WTC site two nights ago. The nite was beautiful and the site was peaceful. No tourist, no camera and didn't see any police. I was on my bike passing through all the familiar places. Five years working downtown. It's the part of New York I used to know so well. Can't wait to see how we are going to rebuild it!

2003/09/10 I hate moving meetings around... it's like changing a date with not only one girl but with 10 girls at the same time... you need to make sure no one get pissed off and people are nice enough to change their schedules around you. And most importantly they are all available to you at the new time slot. Well, when the CFO asked you to.. i guess you don't have much room to say no but do it.

2003/09/04 it's quite dangerous to get used to being single... u do whatever u want to do whenever u want to do and with whomever u choose to... the freedom is hard to give up. married friends have no idea why i enjoy it so much but i have no idea how they can stay home all weekend doing nothing. i know when i meet the right one i will be more than happy to give up my freedom. but before she shows up i am going to enjoy my life and my freedom :)

2003/08/29 if you watch the VMA last nite... Madonna is awesome!

2003/08/28 still haven't decided what to do for the long weekend... mostly likely will just stay in the city - go to th beach, central park, biking and volleyball.. gee, can't believe summer is almost over!!!

2003/08/21 One reason i like biking in new york so much is that u get to visit places you can't reach by walking or driving. It satisfies the adventrous side of me. I was biking along the east side from midtown to seaport the other nite and it was such a joy ride... 20 min u went through many unknown little parks, baseball fields, passing by the three bridges and ending up at the fish market. Can't wait to go on my next bike trip - Brooklyn baby!

2003/08/17 oops. who turns the lights off? ha ha. nice to get power and water back. need to party hard tonite to make up the lost two days and inconvenience...

2003/08/12 flirting is an art... doing too much the girl will think that you are a freak and run away... doing too less the girl thinks that you are boring or wouldn't even notice you. It's the action-reaction, the possibility, and exploring that fine line makes it so interesting and attempting... of course the rule of the game is you know when it's time to stop before you ruin the friendship or the possibility to go to the next level. he he.

2003/08/09 It always feels good to explore a new city. Tho it was my second time there but the trip was awesome. Weather was nice (ha ha I know what you are thinking but it was sunny) and food is great (aww... that clam chowder and salmon sushi) and my ferry ride was so memorable... and most importantly my meetings went very well too!

It's a great city and I will be back!

2003/08/06 Seattle is such a beautiful city... feels like i am on vacation :p the trees, the lakes and the beautiful moutains... it's always nice to get away from the crazy new york. Met up with a friend who just moved back to seattle because he can't stand new york anymore... too expensive and too many people. why would someone pays twice the price for a little apt half of the size? he asked. Well, i smiled and didn't know how to respond. Maybe we are crazy, are we?

2003/08/05 got stuck on the train for an hour on my way home... not a good way to end my monday... going on a biz trip to seattle tomorrow. good to get away for a few days from this humid hot new york summer.

2003/08/01 some ppl at work really piss me off... i guess it's just a fact of life that there are always ppl you like and u don't like... got to learn how to let it go and don't take it personal...


2003/07/28 it's not easy to keep my social life going while my parents are visiting and staying at my apt :p have to spend time with them during the day and say good-nite and head out after mid-night.... oh man, one and half month to go... let's see how long i can do this...

2003/07/27 yes, it is free... and yes you can kayak in new york city... and yes it is on the hudson river! No experience can be more thrilling than sitting in that little kayak in the middle of hudson river and looking back new york city! wait... my cell rings...

'what's up?'
'i am on the west side... i am kayaking on the hudson river!'
'yes, i am on the hudson river... the river on the west side! kayaking!'
'no no not karaoke... i am kayaking...'
'hello? hello?'

2003/07/23 Where did my sock go?

Found out one sock is missing while i was folding my laundry last nite... there must be a conspiracy planned by the sock companies.

They send people sneaking into our laundry room and take one sock at a time. This is not funny. Send my sock back immediately or I will reveal your dirty little secret to the world....

2003/07/17 I was in the Bay Area for the weekend. It's like my 10th time there... i spent my first few summers in Berkeley when i first came to the US. I totally fell in love with SFO and the Bay Area. The weather, the bridges, the ocean, the hills, the trees, the people and the beautiful city. It's so comfortable, so relaxing and i told myself this is how life should be... well... i guess I still want to move back one day when New York doesn't want me anymore.

2003/07/16 it's funny i actually stop writing things down when there are too much going on...

2003/07/09 Mid-summer nite @ central park great lawn. Listening to the awesome performance from New York Philharmonic. Wine, Foods, candle lights and Friends. Under the moon and manhattan skyline.... ahhh life can't get better than this.

2003/07/07 ha ha... this is a chat session between me and my friend on yahoo tonite.....

tsinxxx: and i did my laundry today
me: good for u!
tsinxxx: that was 2 weeks worth of laundry
me: wow. so u used both sides of ur underwear uh?
tsinxxx: nope
tsinxxx: i have enough underwear to last me 2.5 weeks
me: ha ha. good for u
tsinxxx: you don't?
me: i think i have 2 wks. but i don't go deep into my inventory anymore since i can do my laundry in the basemenr
tsinxxx: hehehe
tsinxxx: is your laundry open 24 hours?
me: till midnite. so not too bad
me: one complete cycle is 1 hr
tsinxxx: i know
tsinxxx: ummm... does that include drying?
me: so if i really need it done i can do it like 1030
me: yeap
me: but need to move from washer to dryer tho
tsinxxx: of course
me: why are we having this discussion? X%^&*&(%$@$.....

2003/07/06 long weekend is not even done yet but already had so much fun... went out with some new and old friends thursday nite... hanging out at central park and went to see the fireworks friday nite... all day at the beach today... tomorrow and monday nite probably more central park for volleyball and the concert... man.. am i having too much fun?

2003/07/02 wow... summer is really here... love the sun, love hanging out at the park, love riding my bike... skipped work yesterday to spend a nite at the casino resort... ha ha. casino? so not me... but i had a awesome time hanging out by the pool and jacuzzi... of course the slot machine too :p

can't wait for the long weekend to come!

2003/06/26 Thursday morning. come up with an execuse to work from home today... in my t-shirt and boxer. radio on. music is loud. two laptops on - one for work; one to chat with friends... if u don't know what freedom feels like... this is it, baby!

2003/06/24 It was 4 in the morning. after a all-nighter at the club. end up in this cool dinner at the meat-packing district. packed with people. for the scene, and to be seen. Food is actually good (well not that I remember everything at 4 am...)

People complain NY has no place for food after mid-night. well check this place out. Florent. 69 Gansevoort St.

2003/06/23 when was the last time you played in the rain like a kid? getting all wet but you are having so much fun that u don't even care?

Ha ha that's what i did this Sunday... we were having so much fun that nothing was going to stop us... not even this freaking bad weather. Central park volleyball games turn into wet t-shirt contest... we were cold, totally wet, totally dirty but we were having so much fun and it was awesome!

2003/06/20 Ok. let's face it... we love Banana Republic... it's an Asian thing... I don't know why but everytime you walk into a BR store there is at least one Asian person working there or 10 Asian customers shopping with their hands full... ha. No wonder we all dress alike and no White dude can tell which one is Jacky Chen and which one is Jet Li...

2003/06/19 one thing tour book usually doesn't mention about new york city is the smell... the smell of the subway... u have the summer-this-is-so-damn-hot smell... time-sq-packed-with-tourists smell... the did-someone-just-pee-here smell... the sat-2am-after-party-i-m-drunk smell....

this morning i experienced the best of all: the wet-after-the-raining smell... ewww!

2003/06/16 central park is awesome in the summer... what can be a better way to spend the Sunday afternoon than riding my bike, hanging out with friends and playing few good rounds of pick-up volleyball games under the sun?

2003/06/14 am i a new yorker?

i have been asked many times but I never know how to answer it. some ppl say u have to live here for at least 10 yrs. some say it's all about the attitude. some say is about how many cool restaurants and clubs you have been to.

well, i live here for almost 7 yrs. i do hate those tourists when i walk by time sq. and no i haven't been to all the cool restaurants and clubs. and yes i do wear black sometimes.

2003/06/11 Such a nice day out....

I noticed lately I have been having issues with many things. I don't have much patience about anything... get agitated easily. Don't know how to get this energy/anger out... man. i must be having my male PMS.

2003/06/09 thanks god it finally stops raining today.. played a few good round of pick-up volleyball games at central park... totally exhausted but felt great... on the way home i was on my bike coming down on lex from the 80's all the way to the 30's... traffic was light... a cool nite out... going through the middle of manhattan. on my lovely bike. racing with the cabbies... it was awesome!

2003/06/06 great... got ditched by my dinner date tonite... luckily got to get together with some good friends so the nite was actually pretty good... man, i hate the feeling of being ditched... so please don't ditch me if I ask u out ok?

2003/06/03 twisted my ankle on Friday playing volleyball... played through the pain (and i did pretty well too. ha). i even went to a party afterward.. but started feeling the pain on my way home.. so whole day sat i just sat home watching 'the real world' on mtv. By the way, what's up with this wet weekend? now it's Monday and it's all sunny and nice outside... what the...

2003/05/31 gee weekend again... before u know it's xmas already... ok, maybe not that fast but time just goes by.... work -> commute -> home -> dinner -> sleep -> commute -> work.... -> weekend!

2003/05/28 it makes total sense that weather turns nice again after the long weekend is over. so we can now sit in the office looking out and curse. yeah. you make total sense you freaking bad weather.

2003/05/24 tried to find cheap tickets to get away for the long weekend... but no luck. so i guess i am stuck in the city... :( well maybe i should take the time to clean up my apartment, finish my tax return, pay bills, organize my vacation pix and catch up with the Sopranos... mm maybe the sun will come out... PLEASE~

2003/05/22 went to the mets game last nite. front row seat by the left field foul line. the rain, the hotdog. 4:3 was the final score. the mets won with the 9th inning hit. the game was awesome.

2003/05/21 Ahhh... looks like the long weekend is going to be a wash out... but never trust the weather forecast... my forecast is the weekend is going to be sunny and warm and same for the rest of the year :)

2003/05/19 "How is your weekend?" this seems to be the standard question that Americans ask when greeting each other on Monday... so your answer is "It's pretty good." so the person would reply "Oh great!"
ha ha... it's kinda funny, isn't it? but we keep doing it anyway without thinking about it.

Tomorrow morning I will count how many times this conversation happens :)

2003/05/17 having problem sleeping lately... could be my late workout or watching NBA playoff or stressing from work or the unknown dark force that is bothering me... mm must be the dark force. so now i can continue to work out late, watch NBA all nite and tell my boss i fell asleep in the meeting was because of that mysterious dark force.

2003/05/16 Well, if you are following NBA, LA Lakers got KO by the Spurs. This has been long time coming... Kobe and Shaq are great players but I just have hard time liking them... I think it's their cockiness that turn me off... but how come I was so rooting for the Bulls when MJ was playing? Anyway, is sports really a guys thing? I only met two girls so far that actually like to watch and talk about sports... too bad one is married, one already has a bf :p

2003/05/12 went to tribeca film festival this weekend. i went for the short films because with one ticket u got to see 5 or 6 short films from different countries and different directors... well, the truth is i didn't want to take the risk to spend 2 hr. to see one film and end up hating it. he he. u know how film festival is... some movie are really weird and hard to understand.

2003/05/06 My marketing budget just got doubled last fri... it's a good news given the economy and all. It's like your parents telling u...
'hey, peter u have been a nice boy... now we are going to give u more allowance to spend, ok?'
'Sure, Mom.'
'Well, in return you need to do the dishes, take out the garbage, babysite your sister and walk the dog. Oh, by the way you need to get straight A's from school like you promised, ok?'
'Sure, Mom whatever u said'

Well, it would have been nice if they double my salary too :)

2003/04/30 whenever the weather gets to be really really nice in ny... i get this anxious feeling + panic attack: what am i going to do today??? I feel like I need to go out and do something... the beach? central park? riverside? shopping? damn... the last thing i want to do is staying home watching tv... ha ha. thanks god i don't live in California... otherwise i will die young from weather-is-too-good-and-i-don't-know-what-to-do heart attack.

2003/04/29 had a great weekend... went to the beach yesterday and the weather was sooo nice.... too nice u want to put it in a can and save it for the next winter... ahhh... Monday again.

2003/04/25 first day back to work... and reality... it always feels weird after vacation... few hours ago i was walking the street of barcelona and now i am sitting in my windowless office dealing with all the shits :p mm.. need to start thinking about what to do for the weekend...

2003/04/24 back from barcelona... had a great time (and took lots of pix)... one of the best vacation i have ever had :) great city, great hotel, great food, great museums and great shops! had so much fun i am actually a bit sick from lack of sleep... ha ha. did i say they have interesting night life too? can't wait to start planning my next vacation :)

2003/04/15 getting ready for my biz trip + vacation... 3 days Amsterdam + 6 days Barcelona... very cited... can't wait...

2003/04/14 it's such a beautiful Sunday in NY... it is extra lovely after the freaking hard cold long winter we got this year... it's way over-due anyway... so brothers and sisters, take ur bike out, wash ur bikini, dig out ur picnic blanket and suntan lotion... because we are going to central park and have a great time!

2003/04/13 ny's weather is as unpredictable as the stock market... what's up with all these cold and wet days in April? went to see 'better luck tomorrow' last nite. haven't seen that many asians in one movie theater before... almost like an asian party. ha. the movie is good so go see it if you haven't.

2003/01/28 I saw this ad on the subway: 350 HOURS/YEAR HAVING SEX, 420 LOOKING FOR PARKING. WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? join Zipcar... . this is great. so ny. and I heard one of the funniest responses today: "I spend about as much time looking for sex as I do having parking." Ha ha. I feel ur pain dude.

2003/01/24 hi. new york. why don't u get colder than this... I am not cold enough that I can stil breath and walk on the street. tho my legs are hurting and i couldn't feel a damn thing on my face. is this the coldest u can get? come on. u can do better than this.

2003/01/18 one of those days u wish u could just quit and find another job... but who is going to pay the bills for me?? well. at least it's friday. TGIF everybody!

2003/01/16 how can u not love this city with a story like this? /2003/01/12/nyregion/12BUS .html
I have a love-hate relationship with Chinatown... love the foods, hate the smell in the summer, love the bargain, hate the rude service. Hey, don't push me... i am waiting for my bubble tea!

2003/01/14 a phone call that all guys hate to receive. a call from ur ex telling u she is getting married. i got one this afternoon. shocked, confused, sad but i managed to tell her 'i am really happy for u'. she is going to be the happiest girl on earth this aug. i know.

2003/01/13 can u tell who the person is just by looking at his/her shoes? i was checking out ppl's shoes on the subway this afternoon. i looked at the shoes and came up with a image about that person and look up to see how the person looks like. gee. i can't be more wrong.

2003/01/12 ha... ny got night life too... still trying to recover from the 'culture shock' from my vacation in taipei. went to Tao on fri and it's very much a meat-market. see n to be seen... sat went to smith st in brooklyn. that's where things are happening these days. brooklyn rocks!

2003/01/09 life is back to 'normal' again... and i start to realize why i love this city so much. it's the snow, the st performers, toasted bagel w cream cheese and the rare encounter of pretty asian girl on the subway that makes me want to stay here 4ever.

2003/01/04 Second day back to New York (and reality). Feels pretty good tho I do miss the good time in Taipei. Still in the party mood... ha. Need to get my life back on track again :p Oh. Happy New Year!

2002/12/31 throwing a party is definitely not easy. the guest list is the most difficult task. preparing foods is a close second. making them all show up on time is challenging. well. good news is we did have a great time tonite and i only come back twice a year :p

2002/12/30 in the past few days i have more than one friends called me '???', meaning i don't know what's in in taipei. I know 'filter 14' but i don't know 'room 18'. i heard of 'flow' but i have no idea what 'plush' is. I have walked on 5th ave but never been to '6th avenue'. ha. r u as '???' as I am?

2002/12/29 is it easier to be a single guy in taipei or ny? i notice there are more single girls than guys in taipei. it's harder to meet people in ny but the ones u meet are usually more interesting. well. my vacation is ending soon so time to goback to reality and watch 'sex and the city' on HBO.

2002/12/28 only few days in taipei i have already experienced the social culture here. it's about who can get a table at what club. who got invited to which party. who is dating who, and 'oh my god, u know him/her too? we went to school together!' taipei is not that big after all :)

2002/12/26 went to din-tai-fon for soup dumpling today... it was soooo good that tears almost came out of my eyes. next thing on my to-do-list is the stinky tofu :)

2002/12/23 after 2 nites of clubbing and urban single scene. Sunday was the 'happy family day' - high school buddies reunion w/ kids and family. endless old time stories and seeing the dads changing diaper for their baby girls was so much fun.
ha. i think i dun mind being single for a bit longer :p

2002/12/22 Ohh... so much fun in Taipei. Great foods, good friends (so many of them), being with family. U know what... i also miss New York. I know it sounds strange but I feel that my real 'life' is still in new york. But hey i am on vacation so i'm goint to enjoy taipei as much as i can!

2002/12/20 Ahh.. sweet home! First day back to Taipei and already had some great foods! It's warm here - in 60's.. and they call this winter?? so tired right now because of the jet lag :( i will write more when i have time. Thanks.)

2002/12/14 i still don't understand the difference of seeing, dating, going-out and hanging-out. Is it ture that seeing is serious, mostly exclusive. dating is casual (one step before seeing) and going-out is 'dating but pls don't call it that way' and hanging-out is 'sorry dude we r just friends'?

2002/12/13 r u the youngest in the family? i am and most of my best friends are. i think we are more romantic, like to day dream more, we are naive and we know how to break the rules and get away with it. we like to think we are different and special... ha. we are all hated by our older bro or sis.

2002/12/12 quite a day yesterday... one of the strangest days at work, missed my dinner date, got all wet walking in the rain and found out i had no electricity when i got home at 10. ha. can't wait to see what's going to happen today.

2002/12/11 my frd told me she broke up with her bf.. by email! Ok. what happened to the good old d when u broke up with someone u asked him out for coffee and said "well. John, u know. u are really a nice guy... but..." Coffee is replaced by laptop and tears are replaced with :-( Ha, what's next? IM?

2002/12/10 yesterday i saw a BIG rat at 125st station. exchanged eye contact w/ the guy standing next to me. "It is BIG, isn't it?" u should c our faces. I wonder if the rats here are stronger than the rats in SFO. If they can make it here they probably can make it anywhere. that's a scary thought.

2002/12/09 hey. i post my pix :p i figure most of my tw friends know what i am up to... and my american friends will never visit this site anyway. ha.i like to write something down everyday just to keep track of my thoughts. cuz one day i want to show it to my grandchildren to show them how tough life was.

2002/12/08 isit just me or 150?limit is annoying? we'r living in a world that everything has to be to-the-point. resume? keep it 1 pg. start-up pitching to vc? explain biz model in 30s. pickup girl on subway? finish ur line b4 she can getoff the nextstop (try L train from bklyn to manhattan) uh 150 already?

2002/12/07 this morning i read something funny on ny times. do u believe ppl put up a site dedicated to share & discuss what they put in sandwiches? the theory: if you like the same stuffings, chances r u 2 have something in common. Ok, i like ham, cheese and mayo on toasted bread. anyone wants to date me?

2002/12/06 it's snowing!!! although i have been through many winters i still get excited when i see snow :P I still remember how happy i was when i saw my first snow in Chicago and my American classmates had no idea why.

wait. think practically for a sec. How am i going to go home tonight?

2002/12/05 Oh my. it's so f COLD. can't feel my nose, my legs and... m. u don't want to know. finally decided to go back to taipei for X'mas. been 2 years... frds in tw are all excited... it hits me that life in ny is really a different one and i am so used to it now... where should i call home?

2002/12/04 One of those days that everything could go wrong went wrong. My new apt is delayed again and one of my mkt programs was a bomb. The good news is I might be able to make the trip back to tw for x'mas. haven't been back for 2 yr. miss my family, friends and of course the foods!

2002/12/02 long weekend is finally over... first day back to work and tried to get things organized... life is a bit chaotic lately because of all the things going on: my move, work and personal stuffs... well. need to think positively... i am sure good thing will happen soon!

2002/12/01 3rd day into the thanksgiving long weekend... almost ran out of the things to do :p
went to a nice Jazz club last nit. Rene marie. She is amazing. and the bill after dinner was pretty amazing too... I think I will stick with the Smalls... best Jazz club for poor people in ny :)

2002/11/29 New York City is always so empty in Thanksgiving... where is everybody?
Thinking about posting my pix online but what if my friends see it... will they think I am some kind of freak trying to pick up young girls on the Internet.... ha.
Am I?? Happy Thanksgiving to everybody!